Nursing garden

Balance cupping. What do you know?


Recently, a number of patients with obvious neck and shoulder pain and back pain came to the outpatient department of the first ward of the Bone Injury Center of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine/the First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the pain symptoms were significantly reduced after balanced cupping treatment。

Have you heard of this miraculous Chinese medicine treatment?This will take you to understand!

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What is a balanced cupping?

Balanced cupping is based on cupping therapy,Guided by balance theory,Through a variety of cupping techniques as a means of treatment is a natural therapy,It can quickly and effectively stimulate the body's menstrual flow,Dredge channels and collaterals,Make meridians Qi and blood run smoothly,The reflex causes the central nervous system to shift to the stress state,To regulate and improve body fatigue,Kidney qi stability,The purpose of harmonizing liver and spleen。

Second, the mechanism of balancing the cupping

1.Local action (acupoint or nerve)

(1) Mechanical stimulation  

Through the mouth of the tank, the local nerve and back shu are pulled, warm scrape, squeeze, and plucked to stimulate capillary dilation, interstitial autolysis, histamine release, increase organ and tissue response, self-regulation, and self-repair。

(2) Warm stimulation

The heat inside the fire tank promotes blood circulation, promotes metabolism, and promotes the self-regulation of peripheral nerves。

2.Systemic action

Both mechanical and warm action on local capillaries, peripheral nerves, mainly spinal nerve roots, peripheral muscle tissue and so on。The nerves of the spinal cord or cerebral cortex are excited and thus transformed into benign messages, which are transmitted to various organs and tissues in need of treatment。

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Flash pot: warming the meridian and dispelling cold。

Kneading tank: It has the effect of relaxing muscles, warming channels and dispelling cold。

Walking can: can improve nerve and muscle excitability;Increase blood circulation;Promoting metabolism and other effects have a good effect on improving the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system of hemiplegia sequelae。

Shaking tank: often used for solid heat disease, with the effect of clearing heat and draining fire, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis。

Keeping pot: for patients with back, waist, limbs and joint pain caused by wind, cold, wet, etc., warm channel to disperse cold, relax tendons and remove dampness。

So, what's the difference between this "upgraded" cupping therapy and normal cupping therapy?

① Balanced cupping is more systematic in the treatment of diseases. The main operation site is the waist and back, and the back is dominated by the foot sun bladder channel and the Du pulse. The manual stimulation is heavier, and the stimulation during the operation is light and heavy, and gradually penetrates into the deep pain site。

② According to the stage of the disease, different treatment techniques can be selected, among which the manipulative operation runs through a variety of treatment methods such as flash tank, flying tank, line tank, kneading tank, shaking tank, and remaining tank, without side effects, both treatment and disease prevention。

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Third, the curative effect of balanced cupping

1.Western medicine believes that:

Cupping can improve local blood supply, increase local blood flow rate, increase local blood oxygen volume, dilate blood vessels, adjust peripheral nerves, improve microcirculation, enhance immune function, promote endocrine system function and so on。

2.According to traditional Chinese medicine:

Cupping has the functions of warming the channels and dispelling cold, relaxing the channels and promoting blood circulation, dispelling wind and removing dampness, clearing heat and expelling fire, promoting qi and clearing the channels, reducing inflammation and bacteria, reducing fever and relieving pain, balancing Yin and Yang, etc。

Fourth, the indication of balanced cupping

1.Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome;

2.Patients with colds;

3.Patients with neck and back pain;


5.Obese patients;

6.Healthy people with dampness-heat constitution;

7.Regulate the spleen and stomach, but the elderly and weak and the skin is too loose, menstrual women, pregnant women, patients with blood diseases are not suitable for this treatment。

Skin color identification after cupping

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Bone injury center a ward Yang Kunqin

Instructor: Wang Haitao

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