
Each department of our hospital combines its own characteristics,Provide patients with traditional Chinese medicine nursing treatment,Carried out moxibustion, ear point pressure seed, acupoint injection, cupping therapy, scraping therapy, wax therapy, application method, Chinese medicine rub, Chinese medicine paste method, Chinese medicine hot bag, Chinese medicine fumigation, Chinese medicine sit-bath, bath foot, acupoint massage, Chinese medicine direct current drug iontophoresis, Chinese medicine retention enema, Chinese medicine decocting and other traditional Chinese medicine nursing technology operation projects,Here is the introduction:


        Moxibustion is a kind of treatment that moxa sticks or moxa sticks are made mainly of moxa wool and are burned and roasted in the acupoints or affected areas after being lit。By means of the warm nature of moxiwool burning and the effect of medicine, the meridians and acupoints can be stimulated to warm the meridians, harmonize Qi and blood, remove dampness and cold, reduce swelling and dissolving, and restore Yang to save the adverse effects, so as to achieve the purpose of disease prevention, health care and treatment。

        [Indication] Moxibustion method has a wide range of applications, mainly for chronic weakness diseases and diseases caused by wind-cold dampness。For example, cold, diarrhea, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, hiccups, chronic gastritis, rheumatoid arthritis, coronary heart disease, hypertension and so on。

        Auricular point pressure seed method

        Auricular point pressure seed method refers to a method of selecting hard and smooth medicine seeds, rapeseed or magnetic beads to stick on the auricle acupoints and stimulate the auricular points to prevent and cure diseases。It has a wide range of treatment and convenient operation。

       [Indications] Wide range of adaptation, for internal, external, women, children, facial features, bone injuries and endocrine diseases, such as headache, neuropathic pain, periodontitis, pharyngitis, etc., can also be used to prevent motion sickness and seasickness。

Water acupuncture therapy

        Water acupuncture therapy, also known as acupoint injection, is the injection of drugs in acupuncture points, acupuncture stimulation and drug penetration stimulation of acupuncture points together, and give full play to its comprehensive efficacy, enhance the efficacy of certain diseases have special injection methods。

        [Indications] All kinds of acute and chronic diseases and all kinds of acute pain。

        Cupping therapy

       Cupping therapy is an external treatment method that uses the tank as a tool, using burning, steam or pumping extrusion methods to eliminate the air in the tank to form negative pressure, which is adsorbed on the surgical site or acupoints, causing local congestion or congestion, so as to achieve the effect of warming the channels and clearing the cold, eliminating swelling and pain, removing poison and removing corruption。


        1.Wind-cold shoulder and back pain, waist and leg pain, numbness of limbs, external wind-cold headache, vomiting, diarrhea, cold cough asthma, incipience of sore。

        2.Blood pricking cupping is suitable for acute sprain, blood stasis, sore and snake bite。

        Scraping therapy

        Gua Sha therapy is the use of blunt edge utensils such as porcelain spoons, buffalo horns, sandalwood wood and so on,Dip into certain medium such as water, vegetable oil, medicine juice, etc,Repeated scraping on certain parts of the body surface or acupoints,Cause local subcutaneous ecchymosis or eruption marks,Thus to dreg the Cou so that the viscera foul gas access outside, harmonizing the qi and blood of an external treatment。

       [Indications] It is used to treat various acute diseases in summer and autumn。Such as heat stroke, heat stroke, fever, vomiting, eating injury, headache, sore throat and other diseases。


       Wax therapy is a kind of external treatment that uses medical wax which is melted by heat and applied on the body surface to achieve the effect of warming the middle and dispelling cold, reducing swelling and relieving pain, improving motor function and promoting tissue healing。Wax has plasticity, viscosity, malleability, suitable for all parts of the human body, especially joint parts。

       [Indication] Wax therapy is used to treat a variety of joint diseases such as joint rigidity, contracture, chronic non-specific arthritis, tenosynovitis, bursitis, etc., various injuries and strains, surgical sequelae such as scars, adhesions, dermatosclerosis, eczema, dermatomyositis, neuritis, peripheral facial paralysis, neuralgia, etc。

       Traditional Chinese medicine dressing method

The method of applying medicine is a kind of external treatment which ground the drug into fine powder and apply it to the affected area or acupoints with various different substrates to achieve the effect of activating the channels, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and relieving pain。At present, the clinical dressing method is not only used to treat local patients, but also can be widely used to treat systemic diseases, such as the conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy Shuangbai powder external water channel, return point and so on。

       [Indication] It can be used for local swelling, pain and pruritus diseases such as boil, sore, carbuncle, gangrene, bruising injury, etc. It can also be used for intestinal carbuncle, lung carbuncle, pelvic inflammation and other diseases。

         Chinese medicine coating method

         The application method is an external treatment in which various drugs are applied directly to the patient's site with a cotton swab or applicator stick。Its dosage forms are water, tincture, oil, cream and so on。This treatment is commonly used in dermatology。

        [Indication] Applicable to all kinds of skin diseases and sores, water and fire burns, mosquito bites, etc。

  Chinese medicine paste method

  The method of applying medicine is an external treatment method of applying medicine to the local area or acupoint of the patient's body surface to promote the circulation of channels and collaterals, connecting bones and reinforcing tendons, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting qi to eliminate ruffia, reducing swelling and relieving pain。

  [Indication] Suitable for internal, external, women, children, orthopedics and other diseases, such as cough and panting, mouth and eye distortion, swelling, mass accumulation, trauma and other diseases。

  Traditional Chinese medicine hot election bag method

  Traditional Chinese medicine hot Bao method is to package the formula of traditional Chinese medicine in a gauze bag, add an appropriate amount of water to boil, wait for the liquid to penetrate out, put the towel together to boil, then take out the towel soaked in traditional Chinese medicine juice wring out, and apply to the affected area, in order to warm the channel and channel, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, dispel cold and relieve pain effect of an external treatment。

  [Indication] All kinds of chronic, asthenic cold diseases, rheumatism, joint pain, contusion, neck, lumbar disease, all kinds of pain。

  Fumigation and washing

  Fumigation method is to boil the decoction of medicine, use the steam of the liquid to fumigate the affected area first, wait for the temperature of the liquid and then wash the affected area, in order to dredge the interstices, dispel wind and remove dampness, clear heat and detoxification, kill insects and relieve itching。

  [Indication] Fumigation and washing method is mainly used for sore wounds, muscle and bone pain, rheumatic arthralgia, eye swelling pain, vaginal itching under the band, after perineal operation, anorectal diseases, etc。

  Sitz bath

  The method of sat bath is a kind of treatment method in which the perineum or anus is fumigated and washed with Chinese herbal decoction after the residue is filtered, and the drug acts on the affected part by using heat and water as the medium to achieve the effect of killing insects and relieving itching, reducing swelling and pain, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis。

  [Indications] Diseases of the anus such as hemorrhoids out of the Kantun swelling pain, anal abscess, after anal surgery, gynecological diseases such as pudendal itch, excessive band, perineal surgery。

  Foot bath

  Foot bath method is a kind of external treatment of decocting the formula of Chinese medicine wrapped in gauze, pouring the decocting Chinese medicine water into the foot bath bucket or foot bath therapy instrument to soak the feet, using heat to penetrate the skin, so as to dredge the meridians and joints, regulate the qi and blood, and regulate the function of the zang-fu organs。

  [Indications] Peripheral vascular disease, peripheral neuropathy, hyperplasia of bone, osteoarthritis, sequelae of stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, skin pruritus, muscle and bone pain, etc

  Acupoint massage

  Acupoint massage method is under the guidance of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the use of specific methods to act on the human body acupoints, through local stimulation, play dredging the meridians, strong tendons and bones, spleen and stomach, and the effect of Fuxing and dispelling evil, so as to achieve disease prevention and treatment, physical health purposes of a technical operation。Acupressure therapy has the advantages of simple, effective, safe and easy to learn。In particular, pediatric massage can eliminate the pain of acupuncture and medicine, and it is easy to be accepted by children and parents, so it is widely used in clinical care。

  [Indications] Acupoint massage is widely used in clinical applications, often used in headache, insomnia, chest and hypochondriac distension, rheumatism, waist and leg pain, limb numbness, diarrhea, constipation and other diseases。

  Traditional Chinese medicine retention enema

  Traditional Chinese medicine retention enema is a method of treating diseases by injecting traditional Chinese medicine decoction from the anus into the rectum and colon through the absorption of the drug by the intestinal mucosa。

  [Indication] For chronic dysentery, chronic colitis, constipation, persistent high fever, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic mass, chronic renal failure and other diseases。

  Iontophoresis of traditional Chinese medicine

  Chinese medicine iontophoresis is a kind of external treatment method in which the electrode plate soaked with Chinese medicine liquid is placed on the human body acupoint, and the Chinese medicine ion penetrates into the acupoint through the direct current output of the drug ion penetration instrument。

  [Indications] Wind-cold-dampness arthralgia, joint swelling pain, bone hyperplasia, neuralgia, pelvic inflammation, etc。

  Chinese medicine decocting method

  Traditional Chinese medicine decocting method is a method of decocting one or several kinds of traditional Chinese medicine with water to remove the residue and extract the juice. The decocting decoction is mostly used for internal administration or external treatment。Decoction is one of the most commonly used dosage forms in Chinese medicine treatment. The decocting method of decoction is closely related to the curative effect of medicine。


  1.Decocting equipment: decocting equipment to casserole as a good, casserole material stability will not occur chemical reaction with the drug ingredients, its heat transfer uniform moderate。In addition, enamel POTS and glass fryers are also available。Forbidden iron pot, copper pot, aluminum pot, because of the chemical properties of iron or copper unstable, easyWhen decocting medicine, it can react with the chemical components contained in traditional Chinese medicine and affect the curative effect。

  2.Decocting water: Decocting water to clean and clear, containing less minerals and impurities is appropriate, generally available in clear spring water, tap water。The amount of water added shall be the sum of the amount of water absorbed by the decoction pieces, the amount of evaporation during the decocting process and the amount of liquid medicine required after decocting。Generally, the amount of water added is appropriate to pressurize the decoction pieces, and it is appropriate to add 2 to 3 centimeters of water soaked in the drug。If the substance is hard, sticky, or takes a long time to fry, add slightly more water than the general drug, the texture is loose, or the active ingredient is volatile, and the frying time is short, then add water to soak the drug。

  3.Soaking medicine: Before decocting medicine, the medicine should be soaked after adding water and stirring, which is conducive to the full dissolution of the effective ingredients and can shorten the frying time。Most drugs should be soaked with cold water, generally flowers, leaves, grass based drugs can be soaked for 20 to 30 minutes;Medicines based on seeds, fruits and roots can be soaked for 1 hour。


  Decocting Chinese medicine should pay attention to the heat and decocting time, decocting heat and time control, mainly depends on the nature and texture of different drugs。

  1.Decocting general medicine should be first martial fire (big fire) and then gentle fire (small fire), that is, before boiling with a big fire, after boiling with a small fire to keep a small boiling state, so as not to overflow or dry too quickly。

  2.Antipyretic drugs and other aromatic drugs are generally boiled quickly with martial fire, and can be maintained at a gentle fire for about 10 to 15 minutes to avoid the aroma and drug loss caused by long cooking。

  3.The tonic is boiled and decocted gently for 30 to 40 minutes, so that the effective ingredients are fully dissolved。


  In general, a dose of medicine can be decocted three times, and should be decocted at least twice。


  1.Shellfish, mineral drugs hard texture, should be broken first fry, that is, 20 minutes after boiling and then add other drugs。② The more toxic drugs should be boiled for 30 to 40 minutes, and then add other drugs to the same decoction。③ The medicine with much sediment should be decocted juice  and then decocted other medicine with the juice instead of water。

  2.After the fragrant medicine, it is necessary to fry the other drugs for 4 to 5 minutes。3.For powdered, sticky or fluff drugs, they should be wrapped in gauze first, and then put in the medicine to prevent drug turbidity and reduce moral stimulation to the throat and digestion。  

  3.Another stew some valuable drugs, in order to reduce the loss, a single flavor decocting for 1 to 2 hours, after decocting another or into the decoction with the same。

  4.Some gelatinous, sticky and easily soluble drugs can be decocted into the hot juice and stir  or put the heat to cook slightly, melt and take while hot。


  1.Before decocting, the drug should be soaked for about 30 minutes before decocting to facilitate the precipitation of effective ingredients。

  2.Generally, boiling water should not be used for decocting drugs, so as not to immediately coagulate the protein on the surface of the drug and affect the precipitation of the active ingredients。3.When decocting the medicine, there should be a special guard to prevent the spill of the medicine liquid or the medicine dry。

  3.The amount of water added to decoctions should be sufficient once, and it is not appropriate to add water multiple times during decoctions。

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